Tuesday, 18th February
46th Lorne Genome Conference 2025
Sunday, 16th February
Monday, 17th February
Tuesday, 18th February
Wednesday, 19th February
Session 7 - Transcriptional regulation
9:00AM - 10:45AM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Chairs: Lee Wong & Davis McCarthy
Evolutionarily conserved cis regulatory elements in cardiac development and congenital heart disease
Michael D Wilson
Disruption of the Integrator complex triggers the Integrated Stress Response through formation of double-stranded RNA
Karen Adelman
CDK11-dependent control of RNA polymerase II pausing at a new transcription cycle checkpoint
Jennifer Devlin
A P300/SF3B3 dependent checkpoint for transcriptional co-activation
Dane Vassiliadis
Morning Tea
10:45AM - 11:15AM
Tuesday, 18th February
Convention Centre
Concurrent Session 8A - Gene Expression and Epigenetics
11:15AM - 1:00PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Chairs: Carolyn de Graaf & Charles Bell
Epigenetic partner proteins guide transcription factors to their targets
in vivo
Manan Shah
Epigenetic regulation in the female immune system
Ksenia Skvortsova
Imaging-based chromatin and epigenetic age.
Alexey Terskikh
Unravelling the inactive X: variation in epigenetic modes across tissues
Quentin Gouil
Insights into two Tudor domain proteins and their functions in
C. elegans
germline epigenetic pathways
Carlotta Wills
DOT1L functions as a transcriptional memory component of the MLL-Polycomb axis
Daniel Neville
‘X’ploring the role of epigenetic modifier p400 in X chromosome inactivation
Boya Zhang
Concurrent Session 8B - Genome in Development
11:15AM - 1:00PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Room
Chairs: Tanya Soboleva & John Bowman
Constructing a pangenome reference of African foragers to improve a catalogue of early diverged contemporary human genome variation
Weerachai Jaraltledsiri
Spatially charting the developing fat-tailed dunnart
Monika Mohenska
ZMYND8: An epigenetic regulator of the dorsal-ventral patterning of brain development
Juli Wang
Uncovering the Functions of Alternative Splicing in EMT using RNA-Targeting CRISPR Technology
Jasleen Rajpal
Dissecting the roles of Nr6a1 at early stages of the mouse hindlimb development
Edwina McGlinn
Investigating the epigenetic regulator SMCHD1 as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of Prader-Willi Syndrome
Megan Iminitoff
Allosteric effectors of PRC2 synergise to restrict the spread of Polycomb domains
Samuel C Agius
1:00PM - 2:30PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Convention Centre
Annual General Meeting
1:00PM - 1:45PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Student & Invited Speaker Lunch
1:00PM - 1:45PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Professional Development Session
1:45PM - 2:30PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Session 9 - Functional Genomics
2:30PM - 3:55PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Chairs: Alyson Ashe & Andrew Keniry
Sponsored by:
Chromatin Regulation and Longevity in C. elegans
Siu Sylvia Lee
Functional characterization and therapeutic targeting of gene regulatory elements
Nadav Ahituv
A broad-acting venom antidote identified through whole-genome CRISPR screening
Tian Y Du
Afternoon Tea
3:55PM - 4:30PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Convention Centre
Session 10 - Chromatin and non-coding RNA
4:30PM - 6:30PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Heritage Ballroom
Chairs: Stacey Edwards & Chuck Herring
Polycomb Repressive Complexes in Development and Cancer
Adrian Bracken
Noncoding RNA roles in the coordination of DNA replication in human cells
Maite Huarte
“Structure and function of synthetic euchromatin fibres”
Nick Gilbert
Chromatin tethering by the Trithorax homolog MLL during the ESC naive to primed transition
Francis Stewart
Conference Dinner
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Tuesday, 18th February
Lorne Common
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