Epigenetic marks alter the expression and function of DNA through mechanisms such as DNA methylation, histone modifications or RNA induced silencing. Sometimes these marks are inherited between generations, influencing gene expression in offspring. Due to its low prevalence N6-methyldeoxyadenine (N6mA) DNA methylation is a somewhat controversial mark in eukaryotes but has been implicated in transgenerational responses to heat and oxidative stress as well as pathogen exposure. We have found that the Caenorhabditis elegans N6mA demethylase, NMAD-1, is required for the establishment of a transgenerational silencing signal in the P0 generation and specifically it’s demethylase role, as a catalytic mutant displays the same phenotype. Preliminary data indicates N6mA likely interacts with histone methylation to regulate inherited gene expression, and we are currently investigating a role for this mark in nucleosome positioning. NMAD-1 mutants also display increased RNAi sensitivity indicating that this N6mA mark may play a role in regulating RNAi machinery.